LanguageCert Test of English (LTE)

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LanguageCert LTE A1-C2 (LanguageCert Test of English) is an international language exam resulting in the issuing of the Certificate that specifies one of CEFR levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2.

LanguageCert LTE, as an exam, tests the ability of the Candidate to use English in the workplace or in other professional environments. It was created to allow the holder of the Certificate to enhance their professional image and increase the attractiveness of their CV or application. What is more, the comfortable, online form of the exam allows for the entire process to be completed without leaving the home. 

The Invigilator, with whom you will connect live during the exam procedure will act as your guide through the process. Invigilators can communicate with you in English or in other selected languages, available at the registration step.

A LanguageCert LTE Certificate guarantees a higher competitiveness of your CV and more frequent invitations to job interviews. Having a LanguageCert LTE Certificate will also allow you to participate in student exchanges or will help you prove your English level in various academic contexts. It also serves as confirmation of your English proficiency at your current workplace.

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More info below

LanguageCert LTE – Employer/Employee Certificate in your CV!

An International Certificate of English Proficiency is a very valuable asset in the portfolio of every person that wants to create and cultivate their professional image. It is a confirmation of many years of hard work and allows the holder of the Certificate to avoid descriptive terms such as Intermediate or Communicative while talking about their proficiency in a professional setting. The international job market community has accepted the CEFR Framework (A1-C2) as a standard and often providing a CEFR level is mandatory.

A LanguageCert LTE Certificate in your CV is a formal verification that the Candidate was willing to challenge themselves, took an International Exam and has received a concrete confirmation of their CEFR level: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Among those levels the most sought after are B2 and higher when considering professional applications. However, every formal confirmation of proficiency is better than often imprecise descriptive declarations of an English skill level.

One of the greatest advantages of a LanguageCert LTE Certificate is the ability to verify its authenticity on demand. It allows to demonstrate that the presented document is, above all suspicion and trustworthy.

How does the authentication process work? Each certificate has an individual number that, when entered on the Certificate Verification site, displays the information about a given result. Your application should contain this link and number so that your future employer can verify your Certificate independently.

LanguageCert LTE – Detailed information

LTE is the most candidate-friendly and technologically advanced exam. You do not specify the level of the exam beforehand – it is a placement test designed to provide you with your result that corresponds to a specific CEFR level (A1-C2).


LanguageCert Test of English (LTE) is available in an online, computer form (online exam) or a Paper Based form that is taken on demand in a Test Centre. In its online form, the exam is adaptive, which means that during its administration, the test dynamically adapts to the level of the Candidate. It is a breakthrough solution that allows for the test to return more accurate results while ensuring that the process is rapid. The adaptive form uses advanced statistical techniques and it utilizes Rasch model and ITR (Item Response Theory).

LanguageCert Test of English in its most common module is an A1-C2 Listening & Reading Exam upon the completion of which you will receive a Certificate.

  • During the Listening part the Candidate answers around 30 multiple choice questions according to what is heard (each question is played back twice)
  • During the Reading part the candidate answers around 30 multiple choice questions.

The question always has only one correct answer.

The exam lasts for up to 90 minutes (most Candidates complete the exam in around 60 minutes)

To take an online exam you will need:

  • A quiet room
  • PC/Mac with an admin account
  • A webcam
  • Wired headphones
  • A microphone
  • An internet connection

More about the exam requirements

Detailed guide for Windows users

Detailed guide for MacOS users

With our code F82F0F you get a 25% discount for LTE. See how the registration process works.

Set 1 contains:

  • Listening audio
  • Test Paper
  • Answer Key
  • Listening script

Download everything in one ZIP file.

Set 2:

  • Listening audio
  • Test Paper
  • Answer Key
  • Listening script

Download everything in one ZIP file.

Solving the two practice papers above is a great way to prepare for the exam. You can also use the materials available on the LanguageCert site.

With our code F82F0F you get a 25% discount for LTE. See how the registration process works.

Exam results and waiting time

The results are issued in 3 forms:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • E-Certificate
  • Hard-Copy Certificate

Each Certificate has its individual number that can be verified on the Certificate Verification Site. You should provide this number while presenting the Certificate to ensure that its authenticity can be verified independently.

LanguageCert Certificates are valid life-long, you can use them for however long you like.

Waiting time for your LanguageCert Certificate

  • Initial results are issued after the end of the exam
  • E-Certificate is issued in up to 2 business days
  • Hard-Copy Certificate is sent in around 5 days after the results are issued. The delivery time will differ depending on your location.

With our promo code F82F0F you get a 25% discount for an LTE exam. See how the registration